Website for the Krasnodar theater association "Premiere"

Association "Premiere" —

the most important organization for the cultural environment of Krasnodar. Its four venues host performances, concerts, lectures and discussions.
KMTO Premiere is -
Palace of Arts, Municipal Concert Hall, Youth Theater and New Puppet Theater.
The new website consistently talks about the cultural and historical significance of the Premiere association, and also has a convenient structure in which the viewer can easily select and buy a ticket for events of interest.
A section on the website has been created for each site, with its own corporate style.
Within each section there are subsections -
poster, repertoire, stories, people, contacts, news.
On the main page of the association there is a poster where you can select a day, a venue, find the desired event and easily buy a ticket.
The visitor can learn about actors or musicians, directors, etc.
The event pages consistently present the most important information —
description and upcoming show dates.
Each site has its own history. The site tells them on the pages inside the site section.
All teams and people have personal pages with history, composition, and events.

Personal pages have been created for actors, management and directors, where you can read the person’s biography, look at photographs, and find events with his participation.
Most online ticket sales are made through smartphones. We paid special attention to the mobile version of the site. In it we have retained all the functionality of the desktop version.